Do you have a trusted partner in success?
During the deep dive into the #cliftonstrengths Relator discussion last week the concept of mutuality was posed. It got me thinking of all the people I’ve partnered with in my work and personal life. There were always a few similarities that brought us together, but it was our differences that made us successful, together.

It’s ok to be different, our differences are important. Celebrate the ways you are different and celebrate the differences in others. We need each other to make a difference in this world.

This is true in the wild too. Check out this article I found on a few odd, but interesting, symbiotic mutual relationships. Which one is your favorite?

Who is your partner in success? What is it you do that supports your mutual success? What do you appreciate about your partnership and the other person? Take a moment to appreciate and thank them for their part in your shared success.