
Developing strengths is a bit like honing your ‘Super Powers’.  Learning to use your talents for ‘good’ (vs evil) involves purposeful practice and taking a good hard look at yourself.  You may find a few ideas here to help you along your journey.



My Blog

My Boss Sucks!

I know friend… I hear you.

The assignment with an unrealistic deadline, that is your problem to solve.
They called/emailed your customer and completely undermined your work.
In the meeting today, when you were shut down and treated as if your opinion didn’t matter.

Maybe it’s not specifically your boss, but instead the team member who’s leading the team – you don’t even report to them.

Whoever it is, let’s face it. They are making your life miserable. It’s not just getting to you at work, even at home – hours later – you can’t seem to shake what happened.

And if we’re honest, it’s not just that one isolated incident from today.
This is happening is small (and sometimes big) ways almost every day.

That thing that happened today… It is NOT okay.

It’s never okay to treat someone like they don’t matter.
It’s also not good business to go behind your back to your customers.
And it’s common courtesy to have a conversation with you about changes and adjust deadlines so that you are successful as a team, (instead you feel like you let everyone down).

Yet, it still happens.

And you are feeling hurt, angry, and maybe even resentful.

You are human after all.

Never would you think someone on your team or a ‘leader’ would treat you, or anyone, this way.

Let me remind you, for every one of these people who:
Let you down,
Pushed you down, and
Kicked you while you were down.

There’s a bunch of other people who are:
🤩 On your side
🤩 Encouraged by you every day
🤩 Thankful they get to work with you
🤩 Appreciative of the efforts you make for the team
🤩 Thrilled to be your customer

Please, don’t let the negativity of that one person overshadow the love and support of all the others.

#BeUniquelyYou #YouMatter #ToxicBoss #MicroManager

Core Beliefs

Do you know your core beliefs?
All of us have core beliefs, these are truths we tell ourselves about who we are. Whether they are accurate or not, these core beliefs determine our feelings and reactions to situations throughout our life. If your core beliefs are telling you “you aren’t good/smart/thin enough”, your core belief has been hacked.

What lies are you telling, and believing, about yourself right now? 
It’s time to change the narrative.

You are you. 
You are known.
You are loved.

If you’re interested in uncovering these lies, and changing the narrative, reach out, let’s talk, let’s discover where your core beliefs have been hacked and speak truth into your life.

Partner in Success

Do you have a trusted partner in success?
During the deep dive into the #cliftonstrengths Relator discussion last week the concept of mutuality was posed. It got me thinking of all the people I’ve partnered with in my work and personal life. There were always a few similarities that brought us together, but it was our differences that made us successful, together.

It’s ok to be different, our differences are important. Celebrate the ways you are different and celebrate the differences in others. We need each other to make a difference in this world.

This is true in the wild too. Check out this article I found on a few odd, but interesting, symbiotic mutual relationships. Which one is your favorite?

Who is your partner in success? What is it you do that supports your mutual success? What do you appreciate about your partnership and the other person? Take a moment to appreciate and thank them for their part in your shared success.

Don’t be afraid to GROW

We are all different. We all have a purpose, and for each of us, that purpose is different. Continuing to try to “fit the mold” of what others want or need us to be is unrealistic. We aren’t meant to “fit” a mold, the only true mold of each of us broke the day we were made. Be true to you, be yourself, and constantly strive to be the best version of you! #beuniquelyyou

Lead by Example

I was reminded in church this morning of the importance of leading by example. How many things in your life have you learned by the example set by others? What was this experience like for you?
In contrast, what was it like to have another stand over, directing you? In this example, were they demanding, short of patience, or even have an opinion that there is “only one right way”?

Reflect on these experiences and the ways in which you teach, lead, and interact with others. In my reflection, I’m asking three things:

1. What kind of example am I setting for others?
2. What steps will I take today to make sure the example I set is a good one?
3. In what ways can I stand up and lead by example more often? 

Are you on Auto-Pilot?

Time spent investing in yourself is always time well spent.

I heard a statistic recently that 46.9% of our day we’re “checked out” or running on auto-pilot. This can easily explain that time that I snapped at you, that I missed that important turn, that I didn’t totally hear you when you told me how you were feeling today.

All of us have had moments, like this, that we wish we could take back. Can we actually be better versions of ourselves today, tomorrow, every day? The answer is YES!

If you’d like to spend time, focused on you, and how to “be present” and able to act rather than simply react, let’s chat! I’d love to help.

Psst… there is a CliftonStrengths Full 34 report in it for you…

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